I have listed below some of the services that I am currently able to offer and where I have established personal contacts which help me to provide a more effective and quick response. It is by no means an exhaustive list. I am always happy to discuss any other ways in which I can help you or indeed receive other suggestions.

General help and advice on administrative procedures in France.
Making telephone calls, arranging meetings and obtaining information and estimates, negotiating purchases and arrangements on your behalf.
Translation of invoices, estimates for work, letters and other documents.
Interpreting at meetings with local authorities, for your house purchase, at the Marie, the bank, the police station or with workmen.

• LEGAL ADVICE AND INHERITANCE LAWS Finding a lawyer and accompanying you to meetings for legal advice, divorce proceedings or court cases. Working with your notaire for inheritance planning, modifying your will and family matters.

• BUSINESS REGISTRATION Explaining the requirements, the various options including the Micro Enterprise system, and their costs. Assembling the documents and accompanying you through the registration process to obtain your SIRET number. This must be completed before you start trading.

• TAXATION Explaining the system; helping you to prepare documentation and then assisting you with the paper or online declaration.
Making a declaration through an accountant, getting expert advice on business taxation.
Making a retrospective tax declaration. Accompanying you to the Centre des Impôts to sort out problems.

• HEALTH Explaining the system and helping you with the registration process and getting your carte vitale. Help in getting assistance in case of illness.
Accompanying you to the hospital, optician or dentist or making an appointment.

Explaining the procedures, helping you to source, fill in or upload the documentation required and guiding you through the whole process. Accompanying you to the Medical visit organised by the OFII after your visa validation.

• DRIVING LICENCES & CAR REGISTRATION Exchanging your UK licence online with ANTS, guiding you with car registration, arranging car insurance.

• PLANNING PERMISSION Advising on procedures; providing an English speaking architect.

• BURGLARIES/ACCIDENTS Accompanying you to the police station/gendarmerie to make a declaration. Helping you through procedures with police and insurers.

• BUYING/SELLING YOUR HOUSE Guiding you through the process and accompanying you to the agents and notaire for the purchase or sale of your property.

• BEREAVEMENT Planning for this possibility or giving you support with the formalities in the event of a death in the family. Assisting you at meetings with the notaire and paperwork for required changes that follow.

• TELEPHONE ASSISTANCE SERVICE (pre-booking possible)
Particularly useful if you don’t speak French well and are planning to have a meeting where details may need to be clarified or when someone arrives to do some work.

• OTHER HELP Sourcing specialist services; recommending estate agents when you sell your house and advising on procedures; emptying septic tanks; ordering heating fuel; negotiating with builders/artisans; help with formalities if you move back to the UK!
SIRET No: 453 520 298 00010 Copyright Andrew Harrison (EI) 2023-2024. All rights reserved
I am on call when and if you need help or advice!

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